October in December

December 24, 2017

Asymmetric Pleated Skirt ASTRAET Sacai Uniqlo Tokyo Japan / FOREVERVANNY.com Asymmetric Pleated Skirt ASTRAET Sacai Uniqlo Tokyo Japan / FOREVERVANNY.com Asymmetric Pleated Skirt ASTRAET Sacai Uniqlo Tokyo Japan / FOREVERVANNY.com Asymmetric Pleated Skirt ASTRAET Sacai Uniqlo Tokyo Japan / FOREVERVANNY.com

How fitting is this green for today but also how is it already December 24th? I have no idea where the year went since these photos felt like they were taken just yesterday back in October on Nakano-broadway after I devoured 7 layers of soft swerve on a cone.

I miss Tokyo a lot, and it sucks I won't be able to spend an extended time there again anytime soon.

Hoodie: Uniqlo
Shoes: Sacai (similar)
Bag: JW Anderson Pierce

Photos by Shun S.


Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice

December 19, 2017

Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.com
The last time I visited Kyoto was earlier this January. While researching a few spots to see, I came across a couple of articles about Kyoto's hidden gem --Ineno Funaya (伊根の舟屋). As a sucker for seaside dwellings and lifestyle, this became one of my most sought out places to visit in Kyoto. Unfortunately back in January, the weather was quite unbearably cold and the commute here would take quite a huge chunk of the weekend that I had planned to stay there. So, I wasn't able to make it then. For this time around, I made the stay long enough to have enough time for a day trip here.

I'll admit, getting to this place was quite the trek. I believe we took 4 different trains and 2 buses along the way since we also got lost, and also wandered off. But was it worth it? YES.

There are a few reasons why this place is considered one of Kyoto's hidden gems and one of the biggest is probably due to how tricky it is to actually get here. Located about 130km away from the center of Kyoto, there are barely any tour guides that will reveal this place and there aren't any direct transportations here either. While that sounds troublesome, my adventure here was quite eye-opening. I got to see most of the northern parts of Kyoto via train that I probably would never be able to see. The gorges we passed by were stunning and it was unreal when the train went along the coast for breathtaking views of nothing but the sea and sky.

Another reason why this fishing village is considered a hidden gem is probably due to its well-kept tradition of life coexisting with the sea, in the forms of living in a 'funaya.' As the name is Ineno Funaya, you can already guess that it is what the boathouses in this village are called. This type of housing existed as early as the 1700s and has been kept that way until this very day. Along the 5km coast, only 230 of these 'funaya' homes stand today and they are all occupied by fishermen and families who actually live there. From the sea, looking into the houses, it's really hard to put into words how beautiful and serene it must be to live with the mountains behind you and the sea right in front of you... And it is no wonder why this place is also sometimes referred to as the 'Venice of Japan'.

Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.comIne-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.com

I've warned you already that getting here is not an easy trip - but if you're up for the adventure, or looking for something else to do besides the usuals in Kyoto, such as Fushimi Inari-taisha or Arashiyama Bamboo Grove, then read on to see what my itinerary for a day trip here was like.

How To Get To Ineno Funaya
This is probably the hardest part, but also most rewarding if you invest some time in planning. I recommend following Google map as it is pretty reliable. Make sure to always ask train conductors and operators along the way so that you can travel with an ease of mind as you'll be sitting on these buses and train for about 40min at a time without knowing if you're even on the right track.

To search, make sure you put in 'Ine-cho, Kyoto Prefecture' from where you are. The trip itself takes roughly 3 hours and 20 min to 4 hours depending on what route you decide to take. There are times for the last bus and train you need to take back, so keep that in mind. I left at around 7:30 am for my trip and arrived at around 11:30 am which gave me around 5/6 hours to explore, eat and wander around before catching the last bus back.

Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.comIne-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.com
Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.com
I decided to do a day trip - but staying overnight is possible. There aren't many tourists that come here, but there are a few really cute boathouses that are open for you to stay the night at, since many people have begun coming here for quiet escapes from the cities. I would recommend staying at '与謝荘 Waterfront Inn.' If I find myself here again in the future, I would definitely stay the night to wake up early and see how the fishermen start their day.

与謝荘 Waterfront Inn
507 Hirata, Ine, Yosa District,
Kyoto Prefecture 626-0423, Japan

Activities You Can Do
Although the village is small and there aren't many tourists, you'll be surprised to find out that there are water taxis that you can take out to sea to admire the view from out there. There are also sightseeing tours by boat which are super relaxing as they are generally small groups. You can also rent bikes to ride around too. And also book a fishing experience as well.

Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.comWADATSUMI Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.com
What To Eat
Since it is a boating village, you can expect to find some of the freshest fish straight from the net here. I was supposed to eat at 'Funaya' but decided last minute to dine at 'Wadatsumi 海宮' instead for a more quiet lunch with views of the ocean behind our sushi chef. I later learned that this restaurant took a sea to table approach with a sustainability for the seafood it serves making it even better than what I remembered the meal to be.

Wadatsumi 海宮
593-1 Azahirata, Ine-cho, Yosa-gun
Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

It rained a lot that day so I got to have coffee in a pretty scenic cafe with the boyfriend. It was quite lovely to watch the rain in such a peaceful place.

INE CAFE (イネカフェ)
626-0423 Hirata, Ine, Yosa District,
Kyoto Prefecture, Japan

Ine-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.comIne-no Funaya, Japan's Venice / FOREVERVANNY.com

Without a doubt, this part of Kyoto was one of the places that I looked forward to visiting the most this Japan trip and it ended up to not only lived up to all my expectations and more, but it is one of the best date-day-trips that I can remember with the boyfriend.

Camera Gear Used: Nikon D750 (body only) with 50mm F1/4 and 24-85mm F3.5 lens.


Keep Out

December 12, 2017

Yellow H&M Suede Biker Jacket and Speckle Knit Sweater / FOREVERVANNY.com
Yellow H&M Suede Biker Jacket and Speckle Knit Sweater / FOREVERVANNY.com Yellow H&M Suede Biker Jacket and Speckle Knit Sweater / FOREVERVANNY.com Yellow H&M Suede Biker Jacket and Speckle Knit Sweater / FOREVERVANNY.com Yellow H&M Suede Biker Jacket and Speckle Knit Sweater / FOREVERVANNY.com
I like to talk a lot - to myself mostly, but more than talking, I really like to observe. I like to watch the way people move their hands when they talk to me or with others. How many times they touch their hair between each time they look up or down. I sometimes count how many times someone blinks when they talk to me if I doze off, just enough. I think the act of observing tenderly is intimate as long as you keep a certain distance too...

If I could have a small unfurnished apartment with a linen duvet cover over a single mattress on the floor and maybe 4 or 5 pillows, I think that’d be ideal. I’d say to forget about the internet router but in a perfect world, I’d be able to use wifi to endlessly travel through cyberspace without being discoverable and reachable by anyone else. I’ve always been an observer, and always will.

I like to be alone and despite putting all these things out there - I'm not really looking for company. I've been thinking a lot about this space and what's this blog is for. Everyone asks me all somewhat the same questions or wonders about what I want out of my blog or social media account but honestly - not much. I've never been tempted for extra attention (obviously this doesn't apply to my bf or friends) and fame. As someone who gets mentally drained from going to one social gathering every month or so - I can only imagine how hard it is to feel obligated to be a sweetheart 24/7.

For the majority of our egotistic and exhibitionist generation - being different is a way to relate - but for me, it's a form of disassociation. As someone who still prefers long talks on the phone over any other sort of written ways of communication - writing and photos are a way for me to express myself without having ever really need to expect responses from. I miss the first few days when I decided to create a blog just to have a virtual journal for myself.

I guess at one point or another - I was actually looking for some sort of feedback and got disappointed in the lack of relevant responses. It made me unmotivated to share as often and questioned this whole space and myself as well. But thank god for the lack of noise (in forms of other's opinions or thoughts) I've come to realize how silly I was being and now I'm fine with people just keeping out of my space again.
Suede Biker Jacket: H&M (similar)
Top: United Arrows (similar and here)
Pants: GRLFRND Denim
Shoes: Acne Studios
Bag: Proenza Schouler PS11

Photos by Shun S.


Found The Lights

December 9, 2017

Swarovski Crystal Pop-Up At Chelsea Market Holiday / FOREVERVANNY.COM Swarovski Crystal Pop-Up At Chelsea Market Holiday / FOREVERVANNY.COM Swarovski Crystal Pop-Up At Chelsea Market Holiday / FOREVERVANNY.COM Swarovski Crystal Pop-Up At Chelsea Market Holiday / FOREVERVANNY.COM Swarovski Crystal Pop-Up At Chelsea Market Holiday / FOREVERVANNY.COM

Up until this age, I’ve never really thought about how I feel about the holiday season. On some days I catch myself singing along to, ‘All I Want For Christmas’ and on others, I’m up at 3 am stressed out about what gifts to get for whom and whether or not I should keep everything for myself. Without even realizing, the number of cards that I write each year has gotten less and less - and I guess that’s one of the reasons that make me feel otherwise about this season.

Even so, the idea of Christmas still wakes me up every December morning, counting down the days until the presents are allowed to be opened (even if half of them are from me to me).

As the holiday passes and the year close in, I've found the light in the things that sparkle even if what triggers that reflection is small, like tiny little crystals. I'm choosing to still believe in the spirit of Christmas and all of the jolliness it has to offer.

I was reminded of all the moments that shined this year at the Crystals From Swarovski Holiday Pop-Up Shop at Chelsea Market this past week and I hope that if you're wandering the city - you'll stop in to find your light too! There are a ton of brands that have incorporated Swarovski crystals into their line of products such as Caroline Neron, Capezio, Bkr, Belle Star Accessories, Timex, Fossil and even ZAC Zac Posen. You'll be surprised at how industrial and cool the space is, filled up with DIY stations and archived pieces that have been worn by huge celebrities.

Location: Chelsea Market
75 9th Avenue, New York, New York 10011
Date: December 4th - December 10th
Time: Saturday: 10am - 8pm & Sunday: 11am - 6pm

In The Process of Processing

December 1, 2017

ATP Nila Two-Tone Boots and JW Anderson Pierce Bag in Tokyo / FOREVERVANNY.COM ATP Nila Two-Tone Boots and JW Anderson Pierce Bag in Tokyo / FOREVERVANNY.COM
I've always been attracted to construction sites and messy alleyways like outfits that appear a little undone. I figure maybe one of the reasons why I relate so much is because that's how I've always viewed myself and everything that I am and/or known for.
I landed in Tokyo with a single suitcase with an intended stay of 1 month. Of course, you're probably thinking that that makes a lot of sense for all that 'solid wardrobe' crap I've been preaching. And yes, if I really wanted to - that suitcase alone was well curated for even a two months stay. But of course, shopping was unavoidable especially when you're in an interesting country, as Japan.

There were over 5+ different outfits that I had in mind to wear with these ATP two-tone boots that I've been ogling over - and somehow none felt right until I decided to try these boots on with a hoodie I picked up from Uniqlo to wear for 7/11 or Family Mart runs in Shimbashi (typical).

ATP Nila Two-Tone Boots and JW Anderson Pierce Bag in Tokyo / FOREVERVANNY.COM ATP Nila Two-Tone Boots and JW Anderson Pierce Bag in Tokyo / FOREVERVANNY.COM ATP Nila Two-Tone Boots and JW Anderson Pierce Bag in Tokyo / FOREVERVANNY.COM ATP Nila Two-Tone Boots and JW Anderson Pierce Bag in Tokyo / FOREVERVANNY.COM

It's a little fucked up, to be honest, that pretty much every single time I start to feel like I've settled on something, my mind wanders and it makes me all unsure again. Already hard enough that my brain is constantly overflowed with a million thoughts all somehow unrelated and disconnected from one another yet simultaneously demands my attention all at once. I feel like these days, my thought processes are all unfinished even if it seems like I'm done processing them.

Before I confuse you even more with my lack of better words choices for all the jumbled thoughts that are running on as I'm writing this right now - I'll spare you a few seconds to catch up on some slightly more normal things I've been meaning to type out since I barely have the time to hold a pen anymore.

These days, this space feels more like a journal than an actual blog. I feel like I'm writing so that I can have something to look back in a few months to keep track of it all since time has been passing by at a ridiculously fast pace. The more I start to figure out what I want to do more off, the more I lose sight of the things that I've been doing. Dare I say it, but I think I'm finally reaching the point where I'm over fashion...

But let's hold that thought.

Hoodie: Uniqlo
Pants: GRLFRND Helena Denim (alternative)
Shoes: ATP Nila Boots
Bag: J.W Anderson Mini Pierce Bag (40% off)

Photos by Shun S.


Loewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue

November 29, 2017

Loewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.com
Loewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.comLoewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.comLoewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.comLoewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.comLoewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.comLoewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.comLoewe Puzzle Bag Stone Blue / FOREVERVANNY.com
Loewe Puzzle Bag Small in 'Stone Blue'

If you caught my last bag review post on the J.W Anderson Mini Pierce bag, you'll know that I've also been eyeing this Loewe Puzzle Bag for a while now too. Now that my selection of bags has already fulfilled all of the classic shapes and occasion requirements, I'm so excited to finally start adding some statement bags to my rotation.

Aside from the multiple ways that you can wear this bag (up to 7 ways I've heard) - one of my favorite detail about it is this mellow blue color that I rarely see any other bags come in. Below are some of my pros and cons about this bag (per usual) to help you make up your mind on it if you're considering it too!

  • I am a sucker for the construction of this bag. I love all of the handcrafted details around the bags and how it folds when it's sitting or carried. 
  • Similarly to my Proenza Schouler PS11, this bag's dimension is quite roomy and I actually don't mind the fabric lining at all since it barely shows with the small opening on top.
  • I love the versatility of the strap on the Puzzle Bag. It easily adapts and adjusts and really changes the bag so much from shoulder length to arm length and cross-body length.
  • Although the bag is a blue color, it's so neutral that it pretty much goes with all of my casual clothes for everyday wear.
  • Another thing that I do really appreciate about this bag is the feet at the bottom that really help the bag hold its shape and stay sitting upright. 
  • For once, I really love this bag because it's quite low key and understated. Even though I really like it, I'm not sure if I consider this one a classic or one that will stay relevant over a long period of time. However, this is just something for you to think about and not something that personally affected my decision.
  • While the bag is quite roomy, I find that the opening of the bag is quite small and inconvenient to fit something large inside the bag especially for this small size. Again it doesn't really bother me since I don't think I'll be stuffing this bag at all.

As always, I hope that you enjoy these super close up shots of this  Loewe Puzzle Bag.